Many thanks for your interest in hosting the 2019 biennial conference of the Feminist and Women’s Studies Association.
Please read the FWSA Biannual Conference 2019 guidelines (available here) before completing the form (available here).
Conference Proposals will be assessed by members of the FWSA executive committee on the basis to which they adhere to the guidelines. The shortlisted proposals will be selected by the executive committee, and the final decision will be awarded by an external independent judge. The successful applicants will be required to attend a short (online) interview with the Chair of the Exec and the Conference Liaison Officer before the conference will be awarded.
Please attach a signed letter of support from your institution to confirm administrative and financial support for the conference. This can be from your head of department, administrative support office, conference events team or equivalent.
Please send your completed form and letter of support to the FWSA Conference Liaison Officer Sarah Burton: by 1 May 2018.