The executive committee would like to announce the Call for Proposals for the next FWSA conference in 2019. We welcome proposal from all scholars, across the fields of arts, humanities, and social sciences. Interdisciplinary conferences are particularly encouraged. The deadline for applications is Monday 3 September 2018.
What we’re looking for:
The FWSA has been hosting conferences to promote research across gender, women’s, and feminist studies since 2002. It is a biennial event which brings together academics, activists, and policy workers to showcase the latest gender and feminist studies research. The conference provides a forum to:
- discuss scholarship, pedagogy, activism, and policy,
- facilitate discussions, debate, networking and professional development opportunities.
The FWSA is keen to receive imaginative proposals that speak to the above remit and concerns. We’re open to broad interpretations of feminism, women’s studies, and gender studies. Equally, we also encourage applications from scholars at all career stages.
FWSA conferences usually span 2-3 days, and include an open call for papers, keynotes, and other workshops. We also ask that you provide time for our Annual General Meeting in the schedule.
All members of FWSA who are attached in any way to an academic institution are eligible to apply to host the 2019 conference.
Click here to see details of previous themes for the conference. We welcome informal discussions prior to application; please contact the FWSA Conference Liaison Officer, Sarah Burton, for this:
The formal application:
Conference Proposals will be assessed by members of the FWSA executive committee on the basis to which they adhere to the guidelines. The shortlisted proposals will be selected by the executive committee, and the final decision will be awarded by an external independent judge. The successful applicants will be required to attend a short (online) interview with the Chair of the Exec and the Conference Liaison Officer before the conference will be awarded.
We’ve provided guidance on the application process (available here) which we ask everyone to read before completing the application form (available here).
Please attach a signed letter of support from your institution to confirm administrative and financial support for the conference. This can be from your head of department, administrative support office, conference events team or equivalent.
Please send your completed form and letter of support to the FWSA Conference Liaison Officer Sarah Burton: by Monday 3 September 2018.